A big financial institution convened several partners for the launch of a convenient, accessible, easy, enriching and secure platform to encourage Mexicans to substitute the use of cash whilst benefiting from a new Super app to be launched in 90 days. I was appointed creative strategy leader and used data from in-depth interviews with industry experts and target users and Big Data of users as input on internal work sessions to determine the essence of the new super app; "baz con todo" . I briefed ideograma agency to develop the visual identity and HUMANN creative team to come up with the campaign's "big idea" and story boards for baz launch. Finally we examined what would make a meaningful user experience and highlighted the desired features on the new super app (the "jobs to be done".) "A few weeks after its launch, it is among the apps with the most downloads in Mexico and the first in entertainment on Google Play. As stated in recent press: "Every corner of Mexico begins to paint itself with the colors of baz, the super app with everything!, forever changing the way we pay, charge, grow our businesses, watch TV and movies etc"